Orthodontic Problems

Orthodontic Problems

As an Orthodontist in Hawthorn, Dr Carolyn udnerstands the complexitu of various orthodontic needs. Orthodontic problems are three-dimensional, multifaceted and often complex. This gallery provides only a simple overview of some orthodontic problems that have been assessed and managed by Dr Carolyn.

Specialist Orthodontist Hawthorn Melbourne


Open Bite treatment melbourne hawthorn


An Open-Bite is when the upper teeth & lower teeth do not meet when closed.

This can occur on front teeth or back teeth.

Conventional metal braces as well as a jaw growth appliance was used for this outcome.

Treatment Time: 20 months

Case Info

Open Bite treatment melbourne hawthorn



cross Bite treatment melbourne hawthorn


A Cross-Bite is when the upper teeth sit on the insides of the lower teeth.

This can occur on front teeth, back teeth or both.

An expansion appliance and conventional metal braces was used for this outcome.

Treatment Time: 28 months

Case Info

cross Bite treatment melbourne hawthorn



trauma treatment melbourne hawthorn


Trauma can cause teeth to be displaced or sometimes avulsed.

Dental Trauma should always be managed quickly and appropriately.

A combination of minor oral surgery and conventional metal braces was used for this outcome.

Treatment Time: 18 months

Case Info

trauma treatment melbourne hawthorn



deep Bite treatment melbourne hawthorn


A Deep-Bite is when the top teeth cover more than 2-3mm of the bottom teeth.

This can cause severe wear of the upper teeth as well as extensive gum trauma and recession.

Conventional braces were chosen for this outcome.

Treatment Time: 27 months

Case Info

deep Bite treatment melbourne hawthorn



crowding treatment melbourne hawthorn


Crowding occurs when there is inadequate space in the jaw for the teeth.

This can be due to a discrepancy between the size of the teeth and jaws which can result in increased risk of decay or gum problems.

Conventional braces were chosen for this outcome.

Treatment Time: 24 months

Case Info

crowding treatment melbourne hawthorn


Overjet - Child/Adolescent

overjet treatment melbourne hawthorn


An increased Overjet is when the upper front teeth protrude forward from the lower teeth.

This can be due to the position of the upper jaw in relation to the lower jaw or as a result of parafunctional habits such as digit sucking.

Conventional braces and growth modification appliances were chosen to achieve this outcome.

Treatment Time: 36 months

Case Info

overjet treatment melbourne hawthorn


Overjet - Adult

overjet treatment melbourne hawthorn


An increased Overjet is when the upper front teeth protrude forward from the lower teeth.

This can be due to the position of the upper jaw in relation to the lower jaw or as a result of parafunctional habits such as digit sucking.

A combination of oral surgery and conventional braces were chosen to achieve this outcome.

Treatment Time: 24 months

Case Info

overjet treatment melbourne hawthorn



spacing treatment melbourne hawthorn


Spacing occurs when there is too much space in the jaw for the teeth.

This can be due to a imbalance between the size or number of teeth, and the size of the jaw bones.

This missing teeth case was managed with Lingual Hidden Braces.

Treatment Time: 25 months

Case Info

spacing treatment melbourne hawthorn


Adult or Post-adolescent Changes

relapse treatment melbourne hawthorn


Teeth move throughout your entire life, irrespective of whether there has been a history of orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontic retainers and re-aligners are helpful in preventing and minimising adult or post-treatment irregularities that develop with aging.

This case was managed with Clear Aligners.

Treatment Time: 6 months

Case Info

relapse treatment melbourne hawthorn


The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek advice from a dental professional.

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At Smile Hawthorn, we see the beauty in every smile, and we aim to provide the highest levels of care to our patients, so they always smile their biggest and brightest.

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